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CEO & Co-Founder MacLaren Cummings Named Ninth Best CEO in US and First in New York on Glassdoor – 2021


SYRACUSE, NY (June 16, 2021) — Terakeet, an enterprise search engine technology company, is thrilled to announce that CEO and Co-Founder MacLaren Cummings has ranked ninth in the US and first in New York State on Glassdoor’s 2021 Top CEOs for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses list, with a 98% approval rating from employees. Cummings is also the only CEO listed with a headquarters in Upstate New York.

The list is part of world-leading job site Glassdoor’s annual Employees’ Choice Awards which honors top CEOs in North America and parts of Europe. 

The award is based solely on voluntary and anonymous feedback from employees about their CEO’s leadership and their overall experience at work. 

“I am honored, and — to be honest — in shock,” says Cummings. “Terakeet has grown beyond what we ever imagined possible when we started twenty years ago, and it’s because we have the greatest people. This is their company now, not mine. So many years later, it feels like Terakeet’s future, in their capable hands, is only just beginning.”

Some of the reviews that contributed to Cummings’ win mentioned his regular engagement with employees. These engagements include an onboarding meeting he hosts with all new employees, and the Coffee with a Founder and “Ask Me Anything” programs that he and CTO and Co-Founder Patrick Danial use to stay connected with staff and listen to feedback.

“Mac is truly an exceptional leader,” says Danial. “He personifies our company mission, and nurtures others to be the best leaders possible. This award is a reflection of his ability to connect with the team and inspire innovation, which have been essential in helping Terakeet grow.”

Employees’ Choice Award winners for the 2021 Top CEOs and Top CEOs at Small & Medium Companies are determined using Glassdoor’s proprietary algorithm, taking into account the quantity, quality and consistency of Glassdoor-approved company reviews shared by U.S.-based employees between May 2, 2020 and May 1, 2021. Across the approximately 1.5 million employers reviewed on Glassdoor, the average CEO approval rating is 73 percent.

In addition to Cummings’ win, Glassdoor also named Terakeet a Best Place to Work in 2021.

Terakeet employees sitting on couches

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